Jun 21Liked by Fernando Sdrigotti

One day click-baitery and sociopathy studies will be linked!

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Jun 19Liked by Fernando Sdrigotti

Love your clickbait titles and headlines for this article!

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more crucial than clickbait is the undeniable fact that literature in all its forms has escaped the west.. which is say its escaped europe and we can can see how it has if we care to look, even the posthuman avantgarde enjoying itself in social media is global…

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what was truly important in the 19th C was Jane Austen, the invention of modern Science Fiction and the invention of the crime novel… the laws of the great genres of the modern era were established. They have been the true basis… The realist novels you mention were simply another line… Similarly with the 20th C modernist writing you mention… though technically perhaps it couldn’t exist without Austen, SF and Crime… to invert the normal truism of SF being a corrupted modernism…

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I feel like the Cretin's Dash is a relatively new invention, likely because journalists finally found out about Betteridge's Law and they needed a new formulation...

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That's a very good point! It's a pre-emptive move.

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